Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Is Proceed Management Concept?

I want to initiate this discussion of a New Management Concept that I have in mind and that I want to create in Management Concepts. It is called Proceed Management Concept (PMC). Initially I wanted to use PMS for system, but that is synonymous for something more sinister!

I will talk more on this subject in a day or two. Now it is more important to get it in as the reason for creation of this site - as in wordpress sites (and my main sites!) there has been not many responses on my books, writings and columns!

If you look at the Dictionary etc, you will notice PROCEED menas:-
* Contine - continue talking!
* Carry on!
* Move ahead - we proceeded to (place)
* Ensue!
* Advance!
* Keep / Keep on!
* Progress
* Follow a proceedure.
* Proceeds - Returns
* To conduct Legal action ...
Opposite - Antonymn - Recede.

So what is the Relationship to Management?

Tip - To Move Forward! - To move out of a bad state - or Changes.
Like a car stuck in mud - how do you proceed to move that car or 4WD out from this status?

Leave you to ponder and think on this, meanwhile! Incidentally not in Google or Yahoo search yet - so COPYRIGHTS!!

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